Monday, March 17, 2008

Mike smells his hand a lot

I've been documenting this for quite sometime. I had a mini-intervention with Michael a few days ago, but it was brushed off with a smirk and a giggle. I feel this has grown into something bigger than Mike, bigger than us. I can only hope the internet will serve as Mike's savior and purge him of whatever it is that's on his hand that titillates him so.


Mike Boxleiter said...

you ass...

Anonymous said...

I can only hope that was indeed intended as an insult, and not a misspelling of "your ass".

Mike Boxleiter said...

For the record, I was going to shake Ken Levine's hand and I was smelling my hand to get a before and after type comparison.

So that's the reason for that one.

Anonymous said...

The intervention must've worked, we didn't see him smell his hand once on Monday. :P Lol